To be successful in business and in life you need every advantage you can get. Sometimes we're not as sharp as we'd like to be. Or sometimes we let our mood and anxiety slow us down. Fortunately, nootropics can help us to reach our goals and to live happy, productive lives.
In this post, we're going to look at 6 ways that nootropics can improve your business and your life. For those of you have been visiting the Nootropics Zone for a while, you're probably well aware of these things. But for those of you who are new to the wonderful world of nootropics, here are 6 ways they can improve your performance at work and in life.
6 Ways Nootropics Can Improve Your Business and Life
1. Increased Energy
Have you ever met someone who is just full of energy from the second they get out of bed until the end of the day? Someone who gets more done before 9AM than you get done all day? Someone who's superhuman productivity seems to come effortlessly? Don't you just hate people like that?
Okay, so maybe you don't hate them. But you probably wish you could be more like them. Good news: With the right nootropics, you can.
One of the biggest reasons people use nootropics is to increase energy levels. This is nothing new. People have been using substances to increase energy levels for millennia. If you're like 85% of Americans,1 you're already using something to boost energy everyday: caffeine.

Nootropics can increase mental (and physical) energy.
But if your morning cup of Joe (or several cups) isn't giving you enough energy, there are nootropics that can help. Here are a few nootropics that can increase energy levels. Just click on the link to learn more about each one.
2. Reduced Anxiety and Stress
If you suffer from excessive anxiety, you know how crippling it can be. Being overly anxious not only makes you feel like crap, it can seriously reduce your productivity.
Stress can have the same effect. Not only does stress affect your productivity, it can also impact the way you feel physically. A 2017 survey2 done by the American Psychological Association (APA) found that 77% of Americans regularly experience physical symptoms from stress. And 48% of Americans reported that stress has a negative effect on both their personal and professional life.
If anxiety and/or stress is preventing you from achieving your work and life goals, nootropics can help to unclutter your mind so you can get stuff done. It's impossible to be productive when you're too busy worrying about other things. Several nootropics can help to cut out unproductive negative thoughts so you can focus on what really matters. Here are a few of them:
3. Improved Mood
Stress and anxiety aren't the only things that can drain your productivity. Being depressed or even just in a bad mood can seriously affect your work and your life in general.
Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) is a serious medical condition and affects about 7% of Americans each year.3 If you think you might be suffering from serious clinical depression, you should talk to your doctor before doing anything else. But mild depression and bad moods can affect us all at any time. And it can cost us a lot of money. It's estimated that depression causes $1-trillion in lost productivity around the world every year.4

A bad mood can tank productivity.
Improving you mood will not only make you feel better, it'll help you be more productive. Getting stuff done is always easier when you're feeling good. Here are a few nootropics that are known to boost mood:
4. Improved Memory
Without scrolling up, do you remember what the first three things on this list were? You just read them, yet many of you will have already forgotten one or more. How about names? When you meet someone new and they tell you their name, do you forget it immediately after? Maybe you don't, but I know I often do.
Scientists are still studying what memory is and how it works. But they've been researching memory for a long time. A very famous paper published in 1956 showed that we are only able to remember 7 things at any given time, give or take 1 or 2.5 Our brains are constantly processing all kinds of information and can only consciously hold between 5-9 pieces of it at once.
Having a good memory will help you to succeed in business and in life. Some people are naturally good at remembering things but most people are not. If you think your memory could use some improvement, there are nootropics that can help. Here are a few of them:
5. Increased Motivation
Sometimes it can be hard to get going. Sometimes we want to get excited about a project we have to do but just don't have it in us. Sometimes, no matter what we do, we just can't find the motivation needed to succeed in business and in life.
There are two types of motivation: intrinsic and extrinsic.6 Intrinsic motivation is when you want to do something for internal reasons. If you want to take piano lessons so you can play Beethoven's Fur Elise because you love that piece of music, that's intrinsic motivation. Extrinsic motivation comes from outside yourself. If you want to get in shape so you'll get more attention from the opposite sex (or whatever gender(s) you're attracted to), you're extrinsically motivated.
Motivation comes and goes. Sometimes it's there when we don't need and and it's not when we do. Fortunately, there are several nootropics that can help to increase motivation. Here are a few of them:
6. Increased Focus
If you can't stay focused, you can't get ahead in business or in life. In order to accomplish what you want to, you need to be able to stay focused for long periods of time.
Some people are naturally able to focus better than others. Being intrinsically motivated to accomplish something can help you to stay focused longer. Some research suggests that we are only able to focus for 8 seconds at a time while other research shows we can focus for up to 20 minutes.7 In this age of instant gratification, many people are concerned that our attention spans are shortening.

Nootropics can help you to stay focused.
If you struggle to stay focused, there are several nootropics that can help. Here are a few of them:
To succeed in business and in life, you need every advantage you can get. As you've seen, there are a variety of ways in which nootropics can help give you the boost you need to accomplish all your goals.
If you're an experienced nootropics user, what have they done for you and your business? Please leave your answer in the comments section at the bottom. And if you haven't already, make sure to sign up for the NZ newsletter below.
To learn more about nootropics, sign up for the Nootropics Zone newsletter. You'll get the free gift, The Ultimate Nootropics Quick Reference Guide.
1Mitchell, D., Knight, C., Hockenberry, J., Teplansky, R., & Hartman, T. (2014). Beverage caffeine intakes in the U.S. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 63:136-42.
2American Psychological Association. (2017). Stress in America: The state of our nation [PDF]. Retrieved June 6, 2019 from
3Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. (2017). Results from the 2017 national survey on drug use and health: Detailed tables. Retrieved June 20, 2019 from
4World Health Organization. (2019). Mental health in the workplace. Retrieved August 4, 2023 from
5Miller, G. (1956). The magical number seven, plus or minus two: some limits on our capacity for processing information. Psychological Review, 63(2):81-97.
6Ryan, R., & Deci, E. (2000). Intrinsic and extrinsic motivations: classic definitions and new directions. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 25:54-67.
7Bradbury, N. (2016). Attention span during lectures: 8 seconds, 10 minutes, or more? Physiology Education, 40(4):509-513.
[This article was originally published on July 5, 2019. Updated August 4, 2023.]
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