If you're an experienced smart drug user, there's probably little question in your mind whether or not nootropics work. You may as well just move on to the next post because you already know the answer to the question we're exploring today.

For those of you that don't yet have any experience with nootropics and are wondering, “Do nootropics work?” – this article is for you. We're gonna answer this question and look at ways to increase the chances that nootropics will work for you.

Do Nootropics Work?

Let's get right into it and ask the question, “Do nootropics work?” The first thing we need to do is define a couple of terms: nootropics and work.

We'll define a nootropic as any substance that enhances one or more cognitive functions, like memory, motivation, focus, etc. And, for it be considered working, it must do just that – noticeably improve at least one aspect of cognitive functioning.

So, now that we have our terms defined, back to the question: Do nootropics work? The answer is that yes, they do work – sometimes.

Some nootropics work for some people, but not for others. Other nootropics work for some, but not for others. There's so much variation between people's brains that no single nootropic works for everyone.

mechanical brain

Your brain is unique and will only respond to some nootropics.

The real question shouldn't be, “Do nootropics work?” but rather, “Are there nootropics that will work for me?” The answer to that question: yes, absolutely.

Everyone's brains can be enhanced. Nootropics work by changing the way certain chemicals act in the brain and nobody's brain is perfect. By taking the right nootropic(s), you can optimize the way your brain works and thus improve one or more aspects of cognitive function.

Some people try one or two nootropics and, if they don't work, assume that all nootropics don't work and give up. This is unfortunate, as many of them may have found a life-changing nootropic if they'd just been willing to experiment a little more.

Unwillingness to try a variety of nootropics is one of the quickest ways to ensure that they don't work. Let's look at some of the reasons why nootropics don't work for some people and what you can do to make sure they work for you.

When Nootropics Don't Work

There are several reasons why nootropics don't seem to work for some people. We're gonna explore some of them now.

Wrong Nootropic(s)

This is one of the most common reasons that nootropics don't work. Not all nootropics will work for all people. Even popular nootropics like modafinil and phenylpiracetam only work for some of the people that try them.

Why do they only work for some people? Because, as mentioned above, everyone's brain chemistry is different.

nootropics work brainTake, for example, alpha-GPC. It's a popular nootropic that works by increasing the level of a certain brain chemical called acetylcholine. Now, if you have naturally low levels of acetylcholine, taking alpha-GPC can improve memory and motivation. But, if you already have high levels of this neurochemical, taking alpha-GPC probably isn't gonna do much for you.

There's no easy way to know what chemicals your brain has plenty of and which ones it could use more of. Because of this, it's impossible to know which nootropics will work for you and which ones won't. The only way to find out which ones will work for you is to experiment on yourself a little bit, trying several different types of nootropics.

Wrong Dosage

Like finding the right nootropic, you also have to find the right dosage. If you're not taking enough of something, even if it would work for you, you're not gonna get the results you want.

Sometimes you need to play with different dosages to figure out what works best for you. Just like not everyone responds to the same nootropics, not everyone responds to the same dosages.

Take caffeine, for example. Some people have to drink two large cups of coffee just to notice its stimulant effects. Others get jittery and can't sleep after drinking half a can of cola.

You should not only try a variety of nootropics, but you should also try a variety of dosages. Of course, you should always do your research before taking anything. Make sure you're using a dosage that is safe.

Not Taking It Long Enough

Some nootropics work right away. You should be able to notice at least some of the effects of modafinil, caffeine, and several other nootropics within an hour or two. Others, however, can take weeks before the effects are felt.

You always want to give yourself enough time for whatever nootropic you're using to work. Make sure you learn how long it takes for what you're using to start working.

Not Taking The Proper Support Supplements

This is the last reason nootropics don't work that we're gonna mention. Some smart drugs work best when taken with other things.

Take any racetam, for example – let's go with piracetam. For many users, piracetam only works when it's taken with a choline source, like alpha-GPC or CDP-choline. If you're one of those people and you try taking piracetam without the proper support supplement, you're not gonna experience its benefits.

Most nootropics work well on their own. However, some – for some people – only work when taken in combination with something else. Make sure to learn about any other supplements that could increase the effectiveness of what you're taking.

Other Ways To Make Sure Nootropics Work For You

In addition to following the above advice, there are a few other things you can do to make sure you're setting yourself up for success with nootropics.

Proper Sleep & Nutrition

This one is incredibly important but often overlooked. If you're not giving your body and brain the basic building blocks it needs to thrive, you're not gonna get the most out of using nootropics.


Proper sleep and nutrition are necessary for your body and brain to function optimally.

Some people make the mistake of using things like modafinil or caffeine to offset the effects of sleep deprivation and poor nutrition. While these drugs can temporarily mask the effects of fatigue and hunger, that's not what nootropics are for.

For any nootropic to work optimally, you need to be getting enough sleep and eating well. What does that mean, exactly? Let's briefly look at sleep, then we'll discuss nutrition.

Most people need around eight hours of sleep every night to be at their best. Like everything, this number varies from person to person. Some people need nine hours for their bodies and brains to run at peak efficiency. Others may only need seven hours a night. Listen to your body and make sure you're getting as much sleep as it needs.

As far as nutrition goes, the most important thing you can do is eat a variety of foods. Different foods contain different vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other important chemicals that our brains and bodies need.

A balanced diet includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, lean meats, fat-free dairy, and whole grains. You can still enjoy a little junk food but, if you want your brain to function optimally, you need to eat plenty of the above. For a more in-depth look at what you can do to improve your brain, check out this post: How To Really Improve Cognitive Function.

Do Your Research

You should always research anything you put into your body. The more you know about how nootropics work, the more likely you are to find success with them.

Now, this doesn't mean you have to become an expert on nootropics. But, there are a few things you should know about any substance before taking it for the first time:

  • brain light bulbIf it interacts with any of the other medications or supplements you're taking
  • The desirable effects (Why you're taking it)
  • If there are any potential side effects
  • How long does it take to feel the effects
  • How long the effects last
  • How much you should take
  • How often you should take it
  • If there are other things you should take with it to increase effectiveness

These are just a few basic things you should know about anything you put into your body. Not only should you know these things about the nootropics you're taking, but you should know them about any prescription drugs you take, too.

There are plenty of other things to know about nootropics, but these things are the bare minimum. The more you learn about how they work, which ones go well together and everything else, the more likely you are to get the results you want. If you want to know some good places to find information about nootropics, check this out: The Top 5 Resources For Nootropics Information.

Try Stacking

Stacking is the process of taking two or more nootropics together to increase their effectiveness. Many nootropics work best when taking in combination with other smart drugs.

One example would be caffeine and l-theanine. When taken by itself, caffeine can be stimulating. But for many, it comes with jitters, anxiety, and the dreaded crash a few hours later. Taking l-theanine with caffeine can eliminate the jitters and anxiety, significantly reduce the crash, and it can do all of that without affecting caffeine's desirable stimulation.

This is just one example of a simple nootropic stack. Tons of smart drug users stack nootropics to increase their effectiveness. Some stacks include as many as twenty or even thirty different substances! These are the stacks of people with years of experience using smart drugs, though. To read about some great beginner stacks, check this out: The Top 3 Nootropic Stacks For Beginners.


So, do nootropics work? Yes, they most certainly do – but not right away for everyone.

With a little patience, experimentation, and research, anyone can benefit from the wonderful world of cognitive enhancement. These three things are the keys to making nootropics work for you.

To learn more about nootropics, sign up for the Nootropics Zone newsletter. Not only will you get our weekly newsletter that's packed with the latest nootropics news, you'll also get the free ebook, The Ultimate Nootropics Quick Reference Guide.

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