Nootropics have been getting more and more popular every year. With movies and TV shows like Limitless bringing the idea of cognitive enhancement to the masses, smart drugs are no longer the secret of nerds, biohackers and transhumanists.

Interest in nootropics is exploding. It seems like every week there is a new magazine article talking about how all the top names in business, politics, and the arts are taking nootropics.

And for good reason: They work. Increased memory, motivation and focus, improved mood, and reduced anxiety are just some of the benefits of these smart drugs.

And as they continue to grow in popularity, more and more nootropics websites are popping up. So many, in fact, that it can be hard to tell which ones are worth checking out.

We're gonna help by telling you what the best resources for nootropics information are. These are some of the best places to get reliable information about smart drugs.

nootropics resourcesAs with anything, it's a good idea to get your information about nootropics from a number of sources. When we write our articles, we always use a variety of sources. We look at clinical studies, case reports, message boards, science journals, and personal experiences before writing our evidence-based articles.

Below is a list of the top 5 resources for nootropics information. If you're interested in learning more about specific smart drugs or just want to learn about them in general, these are best places to do so.


This website is an amazing resource for anyone interested in researching specific drugs, supplements, plants, vitamins, minerals, and herbs. has become our go-to for nootropics information. Just search for whatever noot you are interested in, and it provides a breakdown of all the evidence.

examineThe thing that makes so great is that there are no opinions… just facts.

It's a very plain, no-frills website. gives a brief description of each substance, dosage information, a chart of all the effects, a semi-detailed breakdown of all the evidence, and a list of references.

For those of you that are interested in the science behind nootropic use, is an invaluable resource. Everything is meticulously cited.

That's why is usually our starting-point when doing nootropics research. It presents all the evidence and provides all the sources, so we can examine all the data ourselves.

Even if you are not interested in the science behind nootropics, you may still want to check out It's a great place for nootropics information. It's actually a great place for information about all kinds of supplements.

2. LongeCity

This is a great website, and a great community of people that are interested in nootropics and other areas of personal enhancement.

What makes LongeCity an amazing resource for nootropics information is their forum. They have an amazing forum with topics about all kinds of things directly and indirectly related to smart drugs.

Some of these topics include bioscience, supplements, brain health, lifestyle, biofeedback, spirituality, and medicine. As you can see, these are all related, in some way, to nootropics.

longecityThe thing that really makes this site a great resource for nootropics information is the LongeCity community. It's made up of people from all walks of life, discussing all the things mentioned above and more.

You can read people's personal experiences with specific nootropics, or nootropic stacks. If you have questions, you're sure to get quick and informative answers from the community. And it provides a great place to share information with other like-minded individuals.

If you are only going to join one nootropics community, this is the one you should join. But as we said earlier, it's always better to get your information from a variety of sources.

3. Reddit

Another great online nootropics community is Reddit. If you're not familiar with Reddit, it's a gigantic message board-style website, where you can make texts posts and share links.

The topics covered by Reddit? Everything you can think of. Reddit is organized by topic, which are divided into “subreddits.” As of right now, there are over 800,000 subreddits.

redditIf you've never used Reddit, you should check it out. It's a great place to chat with like-minded people. And not just for nootropics info. It's also a great resource for any other interests you may have.

Each subreddit starts with “/r/” and then the name of the topic. The nootropics subreddit is /r/nootropics.

This is a great place to learn about nootropics and to ask questions. Reddit is super-easy to use. To sign up, all you need is a user name and a password. That's it. No email address, no real name…nothing.

This makes Reddit a great place to ask questions anonymously. You can create a throwaway account, ask you question, get your responses, and delete the account.

The nootropics community on Reddit is great. It currently has over 65,000 members, and is growing rapidly.

This community is very active. There's dozens of new posts every day. If you have a question about nootropics, it's likely to get answered quickly, sometimes within minutes.

If you've never used Reddit, it's worth checking out. For nootropics information or info about any other interest you may have, Reddit can be an amazing resource.

4. Erowid

This is another great resource for nootropics information. is a database of information and experiences about all kinds of different psychoactive substances.

Erowid has been around for a quite a while. It was started back in 1995. As you would probably imagine, it has a ton of content.

erowidThis site isn't only about nootropics. It's about all substances that have any kind of psychoactive effect. Everything from caffeine to crack cocaine can be found here.

What makes Erowid so great is their collection of user experiences. Since 1995, Erowid users have been able to submit their experiences with different substances. After being reviewed by the Erowid staff, these experiences are posted for anyone to read.

This is a great place to read about other people's experiences with different nootropics before you try them. Or after you try them, to see how your experience compares to other people's.

While not strictly about nootropics, but rather drugs in general, Erowid is a fantastic resource for reading about individual nootropic experiences.

5. Facebook Groups

If we had to guess, we'd guess that you use Facebook. It's a pretty safe bet, since 71% of people in the U.S. do. More than 1.5 billion people use Facebook every month.

This number isn't surprising. Facebook is a convenient, easy-to-use place to connect with people and stay up-to-date with current events.

One of the ways that you can connect with like-minded people on Facebook is by joining a group. Facebook has over ½ billion groups. And a handful of these groups are either directly or indirectly related to nootropics.

better living through nootropicsWhile there are several nootropics groups on Facebook, there are two that stand out as the best. The first one is called Better Living Through Nootropics. It's a newer group, so it doesn't have a ton of members yet. But it is growing quickly.

The other nootropics group we recommend is simply called Nootropics. This group is much older and has many more members.

These two are the best nootropics groups on Facebook. They both have good content and plenty of active members. Better Living Through Nootropics may be easier to navigate, though, as it doesn't have nearly as many members. Since the other group is so large, it can sometimes be hard to sort through all the content.

These groups are a great place to ask questions, share links, and discuss anything nootropics related.


It can be a bit overwhelming when you first get interested in nootropics. There is a lot to learn.

But now you know where to look for quality information. Use these resources and you should be able to find just about everything you're looking for.

Although we though it was a bit too pretentious to put this website on our own list, the Nootropics Zone is a great resource for nootropics information.

Make sure to bookmark this site and come back often. We're constantly adding new content.

And lastly, if you want to stay in-the-loop with everything going on at the Nootropics Zone and in the nootropics community in general, make sure to sign up for our newsletter. You'll get a free PDF: The Ultimate Nootropics Quick Reference Guide.

We never share your email address with anyone, only send out 1 or 2 newsletters a month, and it's absolutely free!

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