Here's a list of all the questions you may have about nootropics. The answers are based on the most current research. I've made every effort to ensure that these answers are correct. If you think I may have gotten something a little bit wrong, or if you have a new question that you would like me to add to the Nootropics FAQ, please let me know in the comments section at the bottom.
What are nootropics?
Nootropics are drugs, supplements, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and foods that improve at least one aspect of mental functioning. Examples of mental functions that nootropics can improve are memory, motivation, attention, focus, anxiety, mood, learning, and creativity.
By most definitions, nootropics also have to provide their benefits without causing serious side effects or causing dependence. Cocaine, for example, increases motivation, attention, focus, mood, and wakefulness. However, it is highly addictive and can have acute and long-term health consequences. For this reason, it would not be considered a nootropic.
Do they actually work?
Yes. Many people are skeptical when they first hear about nootropics. But I can tell you from first-hand experience that, yes, they absolutely do work.
Not all nootropics work the same way, and everyone's brain chemistry is different. Most people have to try a few different nootropics before they find the one or ones that that work best for them. But they do work, absolutely.
What is the correct spelling for nootropics?
You may see alternative spellings for the word nootropics. Some of these include nutropics, nutroopics, and notropics. In English, the correct spelling is what you see here: nootropics.
What are some other names for nootropics?
Nootropics have been called by a number of other names. Some of these names are smart drugs, cognitive enhancers, brain supplements, brain drugs, intelligence enhancers, mood brighteners, memory enhancers, neuro enhancers, nutraceuticals, brain pills, noots, and study aides.
How do you pronounce “nootropic?”
The word “nootropic” was originally pronounced like this: nO-ah-trO-pik (Click here to hear an audio pronunciation). But like many words, its pronunciation has changed over time. Now, the word “nootropic” is usually pronounced like this: noo-tro-pik or noo-trO-pik (Click here to hear audio).
The shortened version, noots, is usually pronounced like this: newts.
What is the origin of the word “nootropic?”
The word “nootropic” was coined by Dr. Corneliu Giurgea in 1972. Dr. Giurgea was a Romanian psychologist and chemist. He created the word “nootropic” out of the Greek words νους (mind), nous (intelligence), and τρέπειν (to bend or change).
According to Dr. Giurgea, nootropics should have the following characteristics:
- They enhance learning and memory
- They protect the brain against physical and chemical injuries
- They enhance resistance to conditions that disrupt learned behaviors
- They increase the efficacy of the tonic cortical/subcortical control mechanisms
- They have few side effects and low toxicity
How do nootropics work?
To put it very simply, nootropics work by changing the levels of certain chemicals in the brain and the way that those chemicals interact with each other.
The brain is filled with chemicals that interact with each other. These chemicals are called neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters are responsible for mood, anxiety, focus, motivation, appetite, memory, libido, pleasure, pain, and anything else you can think of. They play a crucial role in what makes you, you.
By changing the levels of specific neurotransmitters in the brain, we can change our thoughts and behaviors. Take motivation, for example. We know that the neurotransmitter dopamine plays an important role in motivation. Generally, more dopamine, more motivation. Less dopamine, less motivation. So, taking nootropics that increase dopamine in certain parts of the brain will lead to more motivation.
This, of course, is a huge oversimplification. Brain chemistry is incredibly complex, and modern science is only starting to scratch the surface of how the brain works. But we know that by taking nootropics, we can change the levels of neurotransmitters in the brain. And changing these levels will lead to changes in the way we feel.
How long do nootropics take to work?
It totally depends on the particular nootropic. Some start to work quickly. The effects can be felt in anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour. Others need to build up in the body over the course of several weeks to reach optimal concentrations.
How long have people been using nootropics?
It's impossible to answer this question precisely. As long as modern humans have existed, they have tried to enhance their mental abilities through plants, drugs, meditation, fasting, religious practices, and dozens of other means.
Stimulants life caffeine and cocaine have been used for centuries to increase focus, motivation, attention, wakefulness, and memory. Opiates like morphine, heroin, and opium have been used for a long time to improve overall mood, relieve stress, and reduce anxiety.

Piracetam was the first nootropic ever created.
Of course, most of these drugs (except caffeine) would not be considered nootropics because of their known side effects. But it shows that people have an innate desire to improve their mental performance.
As far as modern nootropics go, like drugs in the racetam family, we can get a more accurate look at when they were first used. Piracetam, the first racetam created, was first synthesized in 1964. It became commercially available in the early 1970's.
Other nootropic drug categories are even more modern. The eugeroic drugs, like modafinil and adrafinil, were first created in the 1960's. But they did not start being used as nootropics until the 1990's.
The short answer to this question is that modern nootropics have only been used for the past few decades. The long answer is that people have been using drugs like caffeine as nootropics for centuries.
Why do people use nootropics?
Nootropics are used for a variety of reasons. Most of these reasons involve increasing focus, motivation, mental energy, memory, learning, and overall cognitive performance. Other reasons that people may use nootropics are to reduce anxiety and improve mood, which indirectly can result in an increase in all of the above.
Many people use nootropics to boost their own natural cognitive performance. Others, with various cognitive impairments (learning disorders, PTSD, etc.), use nootropics therapeutically to treat various mental deficits. In countries where some nootropics require a prescription, they are prescribed to treat a number of conditions.
Here is a list of the most common reasons people use nootropics:
- Increase Focus
- Increase Motivation
- Improve Memory
- Improve Learning
- Reduce Anxiety
- Improve Mood
- Treat Various Medical/Psychological Conditions
- Improve Overall Cognition
- Increase Creativity
- Increase Logical Thinking/Problem Solving
Will using nootropics make me smarter?
Not exactly. However, they can improve your ability to learn, memorize information, recall information, focus your attention, and stay motivated.
While the use of nootropics will not increase your intelligence directly, they will improve your ability to engage in intellectual activity.
Over time, the use of nootropics could result in an increase in intelligence, if you spend your time engaged in intellectual activity. This has not been studied scientifically, yet, but it makes sense. If your brain is primed to learn then, over time, you should become smarter if you dedicate yourself to learning new things or performing new tasks.
Are nootropics legal/Do you need a prescription?
In the United States, most nootropics are sold legally as dietary supplements. You do not require a prescription to buy or possess them. In Canada, they are legal to possess but not to sell, so they need to be ordered from another country.
In several European and countries, some nootropics require a prescription. Piracetam, for example, is a prescription medication in the UK, Australia, Italy, Finland, France, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, and Spain.
It should be noted that some stimulants that are used as nootropics require a prescription in the United States. These include amphetamines, methylphenidate, and modafinil.
Are nootropics addictive?
Anything that changes the way you think and feel can be addictive. There have been reports of people getting addicted to certain nootropics. However, these reports are rare and are usually only seen in people that already have problems with addiction.
Most drugs that are considered nootropics do not produce significant tolerance and withdrawal upon cessation. These characteristics are commonly associated with addictive drugs. There are exceptions, however. Stimulants, like caffeine and amphetamines, are known to produce withdrawal symptoms after prolonged use.
Generally, nootropics are not addictive. But there are exceptions. Make sure you do your research before starting anything new. And know yourself. If you have a history of addictive behavior, you should use caution.
Will nootropics show up on a drug test?
This is a tricky question. The simple answer is no, they shouldn't. But false positives do happen.
A false positive is when a drug screen comes back positive for something that was never taken. Drug screens don't test for the drugs directly. They test for the metabolites that drugs break down into in the body. Sometimes unrelated drugs break down into similar metabolites causing a false reading.
Common drugs screens do not look for nootropics. Standard 5-panel drug screens (commonly used for employment) only test for THC, PCP, cocaine, amphetamines, and opiates.
Nootropics should not cause a false positive for any of these things. However, it's always possible. If you have to undergo extensive drug testing, it is recommended that you use caution.
And it should also be noted that amphetamines (Adderall, Vyvanse, Dexedrine, etc.) will show up on a standard drug screen. If you have a prescription for one of these medications, then it should not be a problem. Otherwise, you should not take any drugs containing any amphetamines.
Can I drink alcohol while taking a nootropic?
This is a broad question, as each nootropic works differently. The safe answer is no, you probably shouldn't.
Alcohol affects just about every system of the body, including the brain and the central nervous system. Nootropics work, in part, by changing the levels of certain chemicals in the brain. Mixing the two could cause unwanted side effects.
Some nootropics that have been extensively studied and are prescribed in some European countries have alcohol consumption warnings. Piracetam, for example, comes with the warning that you should not consume alcohol while taking it.
It's always good to err on the side of caution. It's probably not harmful to have a few drinks with most nootropics. But, be aware, that there could be some interactions. To learn more, read this: Nootropics and Alcohol.
Can I use cannabis while taking a nootropic?
Nootropics are drugs that improve memory, focus, attention, and motivation. Cannabis, for most people, has the exact opposite effect. By using cannabis with nootropics, you might be canceling out some of the cognitive enhancing effects.
That being said, mixing cannabis with certain nootropics can enhance other effects. Nootropics that affect mood and anxiety levels are often used with cannabis to increase their mood-boosting and anxiety reducing effects. Here are a few common nootropic/cannabis combinations.
Although the use of cannabis and nootropics together has not been scientifically studied, there's no reason to think that this combination would be dangerous.
So, yes, you can use cannabis and nootropics together. This combo may increase the mood and anti-anxiety effects of some nootropics. However, it may also diminish the cognitive effects.
Do nootropics have side effects?
Side effects from most nootropics are rare. But like all drugs and supplements, nootropics do have potential side effects. These can range from a mild headache to a full-blown allergic reaction.
By some definitions, nootropics should not have any serious side effects. And most nootropics seem to be pretty safe for most people. But, like anything you put in your body, they can have unwanted results.
Some unlikely but possible side effects are:
- Headaches
- Anxiety
- Insomnia
- Irritability
- Allergic Reaction
Allergic reactions are very rare, but they can potentially happen. This is true not only of nootropics but of anything you put in your body.
What should I do if I experience any side effects?
If you experience any minor side effects like a mild headache or insomnia, you should discontinue whatever is causing it. If your symptoms persist or get worse, see a doctor.
If you have an allergic reaction (trouble breathing, extreme anxiety/panic, rapid heartbeat, severe rash), seek professional medical help immediately.
Should nootropics be taken with or without food?
This will vary from person to person, and from one nootropic to another.
Generally, you can take nootropics with or without food. It shouldn't make much of a difference. Some nootropics work best when taken on an empty stomach. Others absorb better with food, specifically fatty foods.
Always read the label and see if it is recommended that you take it with food.
Where are the best places to buy nootropics?
In the United States, Canada, and most other countries, nootropics are usually bought online. While some nootropics can be found in health food and supplement stores, the vast majority of them can only be found online.
Below are some of the best online retailers. There are dozens of others, but these have the best selection, prices, and customer service. For a more detailed list of nootropic vendors, check out Where To Buy Nootropics.
Pure Nootropics
This is a company with a proven track record. Pure Nootropics has been around for years and has excellent products, reasonable prices, fast shipping, and great customer service.
Pure Nootropics is my go-to for nootropic capsules. I've been ordering from them for years and so have thousands of other happy customers. While Pure Nootropics doesn't have as large of a selection of products as the vendor below, they do offer many of the most popular nootropics. And they all come in capsule form, which is especially popular among new nootropic users.
Not only do they offer many of the common nootropics talked about on this site, Pure Nootropics also carries several less-common ones. They also have combo packs like the Happy Stack and the Exotic Racetam Bundle.
Whether you're new to nootropics or an experienced user, Pure Nootropics is an excellent place to shop. If you're looking for the best place to buy nootropic capsules, it's Pure Nootropics hands down. Highly recommended. You can read our full review here: Pure Nootropics Review.
This is a great company with a vast selection of nootropic powders. offers many of the nootropics discussed on this website. Unlike Pure Nootropics which offers mostly capsules,'s products mostly come in powder form.
You'll find only the highest-quality products on the website. This company has a great reputation. Everyone I know who's ordered from them has been happy with their purchases, myself included. has great products, reasonable prices, fast shipping, and wonderful customer service.
If you prefer nootropic powders over capsules, you should definitely check out They offer just about every nootropic you could want except things like modafinil or kratom, which you can get from the vendors listed below. You may also want to check out their sister company,, which also offers several nootropics. Their products, as the name implies, are mostly plant based.
If you are looking to buy modafinil or armodafinil, especially if you live in the United States, ModafinilXL is the online store for you. They've been around for several years now and have established themselves as a trustworthy company. ModafinilXL only offers two different nootropics, but they are two of the most effective and sought-after nootropics out there: modafinil and armodafinil.
ModafinilXL offers 4 brands of modafinil (Modvigil, Modafresh, Modaheal, & Modalert) and 2 brands of armodafinil (Artvigil & Waklert). Their products are all of the highest quality, they have fast and discreet shipping, their prices are great, their website is super easy to use, and they have amazing customer service.
Now ModafinilXL offers a product I haven't seen anywhere else: sublingual modafinil pills. Sublingual means under the tongue. Instead of swallowing the pill like you normally would, sublingual tablets are designed to dissolve under your tongue. This route of administration (ROA) delivers the modafinil into your bloodstream quicker, leading to faster, stronger effects.
ModafinilXL offers all sorts of discounts that you won't find anywhere else. And they value their return customers, giving massive price reductions for repeat buyers. For a long time, they only shipped to the United States. But now, ModafinilXL ships to a number of places including the U.S., Canada, parts of Europe, and more. If you're looking to buy modafinil and/or armodafinil online, ModafinilXL is easily the best option. Highly recommended. You can read our full review here: ModafinilXL Review.
This is another popular modafinil and armodafinil vendor that has been around for several years. In addition to these two nootropics, ModaPharma also offers a variety of other products. While there are at least a dozen different modafinil vendors out there, not all of them are trustworthy. But ModaPharma, like ModafinilXL, is trustworthy. To learn about some of the other online modafinil vendors we recommend, read this: Where To Buy Modafinil Online.
The ModaPharma website is easy to navigate and all their products are well organized. In addition to selling modafinil and armodafinil, they also offers products for anxiety, mood, pain, and other conditions. ModaPharma has been around for over five years and have established themselves as one of the best places to buy modafinil online.
You can read our review here: ModaPharma Review.
Kratom usually isn't thought of as a nootropic. However, I'm including it here because a lot of people report nootropic-like effects from it. In most states in the U.S. and in other places around the world, kratom capsules can be found in some brick and mortar stores. However, the prices are always ridiculous. That's why it's best to buy kratom online. You'll get a lot more and pay way less.
There are several places to buy kratom online, many of which are good. But BuyKratomBulkUSA isn't just good: it's great. This company sells high-quality kratom at very reasonable prices. They have fast shipping and excellent customer service.
To learn more about kratom, read this: The Nootropic Benefits of Kratom.
Lastly, it's worth mentioning that Amazon has a small selection of nootropics. You won't find things like modafinil, piracetam, or phenylpiracetam on Amazon. But they do offer several common nootropics including l-theanine, ashwagandha, and lion's mane.
Do I need to buy a scale?
It's a good idea if you're using nootropic powders. As the popularity of nootropics continue to grow, more and more are becoming available in capsule form. Nowadays, most nootropics can be found as either tablets or capsules. However, in the early days of nootropics, most could only be found as powders.
Some powder suppliers provide you with a small measuring spoon to use. But this is not very accurate. It is recommended that you get a small milligram scale. Make sure it is able to measure down to at least 1 milligram. This way you are able to measure out very accurate dosages.
Many online nootropic vendors, especially those that sell powders, have scales available for sale. However, you're probably better off getting one from someplace like Amazon. They have several to choose from and their prices are better than you'll find from a nootropic vendor. You can check out Amazon's selection of milligram scales here.
What is “stacking?”
Stacking is the process of taking more than one nootropic at a time for increased effects. It is not uncommon for people to take two or more nootropics at a time. Some experienced nootropic users stack dozens of individual nootropics together.
In recent years, a flood of products have hit the market that contain multiple nootropics. These products are essentially premade nootropic stacks. They make it easy for beginners and experienced users alike to take a nootropic stack by combining several substances into a single capsule. Some of the most popular of these nootropic blends include Neuro-Stack, Mind Lab Pro, and MindMD, though there are dozens of others.
The simplest and most popular nootropic stack contains just two substances: L-theanine and caffeine. Their combined effects are better than either one individually. Another common stack includes a choline source like alpha-GPC and one-or-more nootropics in the racetam class of substances. Since many racetams affect the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, taking a choline source with them will increase their effectiveness. Arguably the most popular stack of this kind is a simple piracetam and alpha-GPC stack.
If you would like to learn more about some basic stacks, check this out: The Top 3 Nootropic Stacks For Beginners. These 3 stacks are all safe, effective, and perfect for beginners, although plenty of experienced nootropic users still use them regularly.
Is it safe to stack nootropics?
Many people take multiple nootropics at a time without any side effects. However, negative interactions can occur.
You should always do your research before stacking nootropics. Make sure there are no known interactions between them. For example, you generally should not stack multiple stimulants together, as this can put a dangerous strain on your cardiovascular system.
What are the different types of nootropics?
Most nootropics will fall into one of a few categories. These are racetams, stimulants, nutraceuticals, eugeroics, cholinergics and other miscellaneous nootropics.
Racetams – The racetams are a family of chemically similar drugs that are used for their nootropic properties. These include piracetam, pramiracetam, coluracetam, oxiracetam, aniracetam, and phenylpiracetam. They are used to increase focus, motivation, learning, memory, reduce anxiety, and improve overall mood. They are popular because they work for most people and have few side effects.
Nutraceuticals – The word nutraceutical is a portmanteau of the words “nutrition” and “pharmaceutical.” It is used to describe a number of different supplements. Common nootropic nutraceuticals include ginkgo biloba, bacopa monnieri, ginseng, salvia officinalis, and isoflavones.
Stimulants – These are drugs and supplements that exert a nootropic effect by stimulating the central nervous system. Stimulants can have a nootropic effect, but only up to a certain point. This is called the Yerkes-Dodson law. Stimulation increases mental performance up to a point, but over-stimulation actually decreases mental performance.
It should be noted that some of the drugs in this class are available by prescription only in the United States. Prescription stimulants include the amphetamines (Adderall, Dexedrine, Vyvanse, etc.) and methylphenidate (Ritalin, Concerta), though they are usually not considered nootropics due to the potential for side effects. Other non-prescription stimulants that are used as nootropics include caffeine, nicotine, and ephedrine.
Eugeroics – These are wakefulness-promoting substances and include things like modafinil and armodafinil. In some countries, many eugeroics are only available with a prescription. However, in most countries they can easily be purchased online.
In countries where some eugeroics are prescription only, other non-prescription alternatives usually exist. Adrafinil is an unregulated supplement that is very similar to the prescription drug modafinil, for example.
Cholinergics – Cholinergic drugs are ones that affect the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. This neurotransmitter is known to play a role in learning, memory, and reward. Nootropics in this category include alpha-GPC, choline, citicoline, centrophenoxine, choline citrate, choline bitartrate, DMAE, lecithin, and phosphatidylcholine.
Other miscellaneous nootropics – These are all other drugs and supplements that have nootropic properties. Some popular miscellaneous nootropics include L-theanine, phosphatidylserine, tianeptine, huperzine A, vinpocetine, and L-tyrosine. There are many others, but these are some of the more popular and well-studied ones.
To learn more about the different categories of smart drugs, read this: The Different Types of Nootropics.
What is the best nootropic for…..?
People often ask, “What is the best nootropic for focus.” Or, “What is the best noot for anxiety?” We get similar questions for attention, learning, memory, creativity, wakefulness, mood, and everything else.
The truth is that there usually isn't one right answer to any of these questions. Some nootropics work wonders for some people and do absolutely nothing for others. You need to do a little bit of experimenting on yourself to answer these kinds of questions.
I usually recommend that people try several different nootropics to see what works best for them. I've seen too many people try one and get discouraged when it doesn't do what they hoped it would. Everybody's brain chemistry is different. Different people respond differently to different drugs. This is especially true of nootropics.
If you want to know what the best nootropics for you are, then you're going to have to try them for yourself. Here are a few guides to give you some suggestions:
- The Best Nootropics For Anxiety
- The Best Nootropics For Focus
- The Best Nootropics For Memory
- The Best Nootropics For Motivation
- The Best Nootropics For Mood
- The Best Nootropics For Studying
- The Best Nootropics For Creativity
- The Best Nootropics For Social Anxiety
Where can I learn more about nootropics?
To stay up-to-date with everything that's happening in the nootropics world (news, new substances, new sellers, etc.), please subscribe to the Nootropics Zone newsletter below. As our thank you to you, you'll get The Ultimate Nootropics Quick Reference Guide for free.
Another great resource that I recommend is Whenever I hear about a new nootropic, drug, or supplement, I always look it up on Examine. This website provides science-based information about drugs, supplements, vitamins, minerals, and more. It's easy to understand for the average person. And every entry is meticulously cited, should you choose to do further research.
If you are really interested in nootropics, I recommend joining a nootropics-related forum. My personal favorite nootropics community is on Reddit. The subreddit /r/Nootropics is very active and filled with good information. Longecity has a good “Brain Health” forum that has a lot of nootropics talk.
And lastly, if you are on Facebook you can join a nootropics group. There are several to choose from. I recommend joining our group: Better Living Through Nootropics. The group is growing quickly and contains a lot less advertising than many of the other nootropics groups on Facebook.
There you have it: The Nootropics F.A.Q. We hope this has been informative and you've had all your questions about these amazing substances answered. However, if you think we've missed something or you'd like to see something added to the FAQ, please leave your suggestions in the comments section below.
And, if you haven't already, make sure to sign up for the Nootropics Zone mailing list below.
To learn more about nootropics, sign up for the Nootropics Zone newsletter. You'll get the free gift, The Ultimate Nootropics Quick Reference Guide.
[The Nootropics FAQ was originally published on June 15, 2015. Most recent update: 2/12/2021]
Doit show in drug test
Most nootropics will not show up in a drug test. However, it’s always possible that some of the substances talked about on this web site could cause a false positive. But in general, no, nootropics do not show up on a drug test.