For as long as I can remember, I've always spent a lot of time engaged in solitary activities: reading, writing, playing guitar, listening to music, and several others. It's not that I don't like being around people – I do. But I also require a lot of alone time to recharge my batteries, collect my thoughts, and get away from all the drama that can come with human interaction.
That's because I'm an introvert and always have been. Though I can be the life of the party for short periods of time, I generally prefer to be alone. I enjoy my own company and am comfortable spending long periods of time by myself.
But sometimes being an introvert can seem more like a curse than a blessing. It can make dating, making new friends, moving up the ladder at work, and other social activities difficult. Fortunately, there are several nootropics that can help you get outside of your own head and be more extroverted. But before we get to our list of nootropics for introverts, let's first take a look at what introversion and extroversion are.
What Is An Introvert?
Do you have a rich, active mental life? Do you see yourself as being more reflective and reserved than most other people? Do you particularly enjoy solitary activities like reading, writing, hiking, playing an instrument, knitting, or drawing? Do you prefer to be alone or with one other person instead of in large groups? If you answered yes to these questions, you just might be an introvert.
About a hundred years ago, the Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung came up with the ideas of introversion and extroversion. After spending years as a student and colleague of the famous psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud, Jung left him to pursue his own work. Of all of Jung's contributions to psychology, the concepts of introversion and extroversion remain one of his most well-known theories.
Some people think that introversion is another way of saying shyness, but this isn't exactly true. Being shy is often distressful, resulting in loneliness. Being introverted, on the other hand, means you generally prefer solitary activities to social ones. Introverts can live very happy lives. Some well-known introverts throughout history include Albert Einstein, J.K. Rowling, Gandhi, Sir Isaac Newton, and many others.
All that being said, sometimes introverts wish they could be more extroverted. Extroverts are outgoing, feel most comfortable when surrounded by other people, and enjoy social activities over solitary ones. Being extroverted can have certain social benefits. It's easier to move up the ladder at work, make friends at school, and have an active dating life if you're an extrovert. That's why a lot of introverts have turned to nootropics to help them to be more extroverted.
How Can Nootropics Help Introverts To Be More Extroverted?
Introversion and extroversion exist on a spectrum. No one is 100% introverted or extroverted. It's not one or the other. Most people are somewhere in the middle between the two. Personally, I'd say that I'm about 70% introverted, 30% extroverted. I can be social when I want to be, but generally prefer solitary activities most of the time.
What nootropics can do is help you get out of your head a little bit so you can focus more on the people around you. They won't turn you from a 90% introvert to a 90% extrovert, but they can help you slide down the spectrum a bit. Nootropics can also help you to feel more comfortable being social and doing some of the things that come naturally to extroverts.
One example of this is small talk. A lot of introverts despise small talk, myself included. There's nothing more boring than talking about the weather or spending fifteen minutes talking about how the Red Sox blew a twelve-point lead in the bottom of the ninth inning the night before. If you're like me, the second the small talk starts, so does the mind wandering.
Nootropics can help you to be more present in the social moment. They can help your words flow out smoothly, even when talking about something you really don't have much interest in. Another way that nootropics can help you be more extroverted is by cutting down the internal chatter that's always going on in your head. By slowing your internal voice, you can focus more on what's going on around you. Now that we've defined introversion and explored how nootropics can help you be more extroverted, let's get to our list of nootropics for introverts.
Nootropics For Introverts
This is an amino acid analog that is found in green tea. It's one of the most popular nootropics that we talk about here at The Nootropics Zone and for good reason: it works and it's safe.
L-theanine can help you to be more relaxed without feeling tired. Unlike most prescription sedatives, l-theanine helps you to feel less stressed without making you sluggish or sleepy. Many introverts use l-theanine to help them feel more relaxed in social settings. They find that it helps them to stay in the moment and get out of their own heads for a while.
While l-theanine is certainly effective on its own, it's often taken with caffeine. It's no secret that caffeine can make you feel alert, motivated, and talkative. But it can also make you feel anxious, jittery, and unable to relax. Taking l-theanine and caffeine together eliminates these negative effects. People who use caffeine and l-theanine together report that it puts them in a state of relaxed focus. Introverts often report that this basic nootropic stack helps them to feel more comfortable and be more talkative in social situations.
You can learn more about l-theanine here: L-Theanine – A Calming Nootropic.
This plant usually isn't thought of as a nootropic but I'm going to include it here because it's incredibly effective at helping introverts to be more extroverted. Kratom is a plant that grows naturally in southeast Asia but is used around the world for its many medicinal properties. It can improve mood, reduce anxiety, provide pain relief, and even help people to get off dangerous opioids.

Kratom Leaf (Mitragyna Speciosa)
There are countless reports around the internet of introverts successfully using kratom to make them more extroverted. They find that it makes them want to be around people more, it makes them feel comfortable being more talkative, and improves all other aspects of social interaction.
Of all the substances on our list of nootropics for introverts, for most people, kratom is the most effective. It should be noted that it works best when only taken occasionally, no more than a few times a week. When using kratom to be more extroverted, daily use isn't suggested. This plant should only be used daily to treat chronic pain and other serious conditions.
You can learn more about kratom here: The Nootropic Benefits of Kratom.
This is another popular nootropic plant. Ashwagandha has been used in traditional medicine for centuries to treat a variety of conditions. Nootropic users like ashwagandha because it helps to reduce anxiety, improve mood, and increase overall well being.
Some users find that ashwagandha helps them to be more extroverted. They say that it helps them to feel more relaxed in social situations. This isn't surprising. Most ashwagandha users report that it helps them to feel more relaxed in all situations.
Unlike kratom, ashwagandha works best when taken daily for at least a couple of weeks. Many users report that its effects can be felt after one dose, but ashwagandha works best when taken every day. In addition to its nootropic and extroversion-enhancing effects, ashwagandha can also reduce cortisol (the “stress hormone”) levels, improve cholesterol levels, and increase testosterone levels in men.
You can learn more about ashwagandha here: The Many Benefits of Ashwagandha.
Aniracetam and/or Fasoracetam
I've decided to lump these two together since their effects are similar and they're both racetams, which are a group of chemically-similar nootropics. Both aniracetam and fasoracetam are popular in the nootropics community because they can increase focus and reduce anxiety. Some introverts find that they also help them to be more extroverted.
For many, the racetams seem to be hit or miss. Some users report that they help them immensely while others say they don't notice any difference at all. But for those people that they do work, they often work wonders.
Aniracetam and fasoracetam can be taken by themselves, together, or as part of a larger nootropic stack. There are a number of reports around the internet of users saying that they help them to feel more talkative and comfortable in social situations. Introverts that respond especially well to these nootropics often say that they make conversations seem effortless that would otherwise be difficult or even painful.
You can learn more about aniracetam here: Aniracetam For Anxiety And Focus.
You can learn more about fasoracetam here: Fasoracetam – An Anxiety-Reducing Nootropic.
Lion's Mane
This is a mushroom that has been used in traditional medicine around the world for centuries. It grows naturally in several parts of the world including North America, Europe, and Asia. Nootropic users find that it can improve mood and other aspects of cognitive functioning.
Many introverts report that lion's mane helps them to be more extroverted. They often claim that this nootropic mushroom allows them to be social without constantly over-analyzing everything they say.
Lion's mane can take several weeks for its effects to become noticeable. Some users report that they notice a difference after one dose, but most require daily dosing for at least a week for its effects to be felt.
You can learn more about lion's mane here: The Nootropic Benefits of Lion's Mane.
There's absolutely nothing wrong with being an introvert. They often make the best writers, artists, scientists, and musicians. But sometimes introverts have trouble getting out of their own heads. Fortunately, the list of nootropics for introverts above can help you to be more extroverted.
Have you found that any of the above substances help you to feel more extroverted? How about any other nootropics? Feel free to leave your answers in the comments section at the bottom.
To learn more about nootropics, sign up for the Nootropics Zone newsletter. You'll get the free gift, The Ultimate Nootropics Quick Reference Guide.
[This article was originally published on September 6, 2019. Updated September 3, 2021.]
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