Social distancing. Isolation. Quarantine. These words have all become part of our day-to-day lives. We're stuck at home all day, every day, getting little or no contact with the outside world. We're glued to our phones and other electronics, bombarded with fear and panic 24/7.
There's no question about it: our current situation is, in many ways, depressing and anxiety provoking. Fortunately, there are several nootropics that can help with both mood and anxiety. In this article, we're going to take a look at a few nootropics that can help to improve mood and reduce anxiety.
Nootropics For Mood And Anxiety
1. Rhodiola Rosea
This is a plant that has been used in traditional medicine all over the world for centuries. Rhodiola rosea, often just called rhodiola, is a popular nootropics because it has a variety of benefits and is very safe. Here are some of those benefits:
Improved mood
- Decreased anxiety
- Improved physical performance
- Increased energy
- Reduced fatigue
- Improved overall cognitive performance
- Increased sense of well being
As you can see, rhodiola rosea has a lot of potential benefits. One of the main reasons that nootropic users take rhodiola is because it can improve mood. Not only have a lot of nootropic users reported that it boosts mood, there's also quite a bit of science that also shows this. Several studies have been done on rhodiola's effect on mood. They've shown rhodiola to improve mood, increase energy, and overall well being.
Rhodiola can also be effective at reducing anxiety. There hasn't been as much research done on rhodiola's effect on anxiety as there has on mood. But the research that has been done is very promising. Rhodiola users often report that they notice less anxiety in their day-to-day lives.
To learn more about rhodiola, read this recently-updated article: The Benefits of Rhodiola Rosea.
2. Ashwagandha
Like rhodiola, ashwagandha is an adaptogenic plant that has been used in traditional medicine for centuries all over the world. And its list of potential benefits is just as long and impressive as rhodiola's. Here are some of ashwagandha's benefits:
Decreased anxiety
- Improved mood
- Increased motivation
- Decreased fatigue
- Increased sense of well being
Ashwagandha is often thought of as an anxiety-reducing plant. A lot of nootropic users take it to help with both general and social anxiety. I've used it at different times in my life to help with anxiety and, for me, it definitely works. And there's plenty of science to support the use of ashwagandha for anxiety.
In addition to reducing anxiety, ashwagandha can also improve mood. Users often report a subtle but noticeable mood lift after taking ashwagandha. While its effect on mood and anxiety may be noticeable after just one dose, ashwagandha works best when taken daily. It's generally very safe and also comes with a lot of physical benefits. These include improved cholesterol levels, reduced cortisol, reduced blood pressure and pulse, and several others.
You can learn more about ashwagandha here: The Many Benefits of Ashwagandha.
3. L-Theanine
This is the only item on our list of nootropics for mood and anxiety that isn't a plant – but it comes from one. L-theanine is a non-essential amino acid that is found in green tea. It's extremely popular in the nootropics community. L-theanine is often stacked with caffeine to create a state of relaxed focus. Here are some of l-theanine's benefits:
Like ashwagandha, l-theanine is often thought of as an anxiety-reducing nootropic. However, it can also have a noticeable effect on mood as well. While l-theanine can be taken by itself, it is often taken with caffeine. That's because l-theanine cancels out most or all of caffeine's side effects: overstimulation, jitters, insomnia, and the dreaded crash a few hours after consumption.
One of the major benefits of l-theanine is that it works right away. Its full anxiety-reducing effects can be felt after just one dose. Rhodiola and ashwagandha work best when taken daily. While l-theanine certainly can be taken daily, this isn't necessary to experience its benefits.
You can learn more about l-theanine here: L-Theanine – A Calming Nootropic.
4. Kratom
The last substance on our list is another plant. Kratom has become incredibly popular in the U.S. over the past decade or so for its potent mood-boosting, anxiety-reducing, and pain-relieving effects. It's also been used medicinally in some parts of the world for centuries. Here are some of kratom's benefits:
Improved mood
- Decreased anxiety
- Decrease pain
- Increase energy
- Reduced fatigue
- Strengthens the immune system
Of all the substances on this list, kratom offers the quickest and most potent mood-boosting effect. After just one dose, users often report a noticeable mood boost, a reduction in anxiety, decrease pain (if they're in any pain), and increased energy. I've been using kratom off and on for years and have experienced all these things. And as its popularity continues to increase, more and more research is being done on this fascinating plant.
It's probably best to avoid using kratom daily unless it's being used for chronic pain. When taken in high-enough doses, multiple times a day, for a long period of time, mild withdrawal may occur when it's stopped. However, when taken occasionally, kratom seems to be very safe and extremely effective. It's been one of the most-powerful tools in my nootropic toolbox.
You can learn more about kratom here: The Nootropic Benefits of Kratom.
Depression and anxiety often go hand-in-hand. And being socially isolated from the people we care about and the world in general probably doesn't help. Fortunately, the nootropics on this list can help to improve mood and reduce anxiety.
To learn about lots of other nootropics, sign up for the Nootropics Zone newsletter. You'll get the free PDF, The Ultimate Nootropics Quick Reference Guide.
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