
Mind Lab Pro by Opti-Nutra


2 capsules

Length of Use

14 days


  • Improved mood
  • Decreased anxiety
  • Increased productivity
  • Overall cognitive enhancement
  • Caffeine free
  • Exact dosages listed


  • May take several weeks for full benefits
  • With so many ingredients, hard to tell what's doing what

What is Mind Lab Pro?

This is a nootropic product that has been on the market for a while now. I've heard good things about Mind Lab Pro over the past couple years, but never tried it until recently. Now that I have, I must say, it lives up to the hype.

Mind Lab Pro Review 1

Mind Lab Pro combines 8 scientifically-back nootropics with 3 B vitamins into one easy-to-use product. It's made by the UK-based company, Opti-Nutra.

Opti-Nutra also has another nootropic product: Mind. That product is, in many ways, MLP-light. Instead of having 8 ingredients, it only has 4.

The packaging for Mind Lab Pro is professional and easy to read. It lists both the ingredients and the exact dosages, which I like. Some nootropic products don't list the exact dosages, claiming that they have a “proprietary blend.” Like most people, I like to know exactly what I'm putting in my body. With Mind Lab Pro, I do.

They send their products out for third-party testing, which I also like. This lets me know that what they say is in each capsule actually is in each capsule. Mind Lab Pro gets its ingredients from reputable sources and has the independent lab reports to prove it.

One serving of Mind Lab Pro is two capsules. Each bottle contains sixty caps, or thirty servings. The capsules are gluten free and vegan friendly. Now, before we get to our Mind Lab Pro review, let's take a look at what's in this powerful nootropic product.

Mind Lab Pro Ingredients

Mind Lab Pro contains 11 ingredients: 8 nootropics and 3 B vitamins. They are all known to be both safe and effective. Here are Mind Lab Pro's ingredients:

Bacopa Monnieri – An adaptogenic plant that has been used for centuries to improve mood and reduce anxiety.

CDP-Choline – A powerful choline source. Choline is necessary to create acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter known to play a role in memory and other functions.

Mind Lab Pro Review 2
Click To Enlarge

Lion's Mane – This is a mushroom that grows wildly in various parts of the world. It's been used for centuries to improve mood, reduce anxiety, and increase productivity.

N-Acetyl L-Tyrosine (NALT) – This is a more-soluble version of the amino acid l-tyrosine. It is a direct precursor to dopamine, a neurotransmitter known to play a role in mood and motivation.

Phosphatidylserine – This is an amino acid that has been shown to improve some aspects of cognition.

L-Theanine – A non-essential amino acid that is found naturally in green tea. L-theanine can reduce anxiety and stress without causing sedation.

Rhodiola Rosea – Like bacopa, this is an adaptogenic plant that has been used in traditional medicine for centuries to improve mood and decrease anxiety.

Maritime Pine Bark Extract – An extract from the bark of the Maritime Pine Tree that has both nootropic and general health benefits.

Vitamins B6, B9, & B12 – These B vitamins all play a role in energy metabolism. They help the body and brain to get the most out of the above nootropics.

As you can see, this scientifically-backed product is packed with powerful nootropics. Now, let's continue with our Mind Lab Pro review.

Mind Lab Pro Review

I'm excited to write this Mind Lab Pro review because I've been wanting to try this product for a long time. It's been around longer than most other nootropic blends and I've heard a lot about it over the past couple of years.

Before I started taking Mind Lab Pro (MLP), I already had a good idea of what to expect. Not only have I used all of the individual nootropics in MLP, I've used other nootropic products with very-similar ingredients.

In fact, the last nootropic product that I reviewed, Brain Power Genesis, had almost-identical ingredients. The only difference is that Brain Power Genesis contains Acetyl-L-Carnitine (ALCAR), while Mind Lab Pro contains phosphatidylserine.

Mind Lab Pro Review 3

Why are these and other nootropic products so similar to each other? Because they contain the nootropics with the most research and best safety profiles. The only difference is that Mind Lab Pro has been out a lot longer than many of its competitors.

The first day I took MLP, I took one serving (2 capsules) with my normal cup of coffee in the morning. Within an hour, I found myself immersed in my work and lost track of time. That's always a good sign. One of the benefits of nootropics is that they help you get into a flow state, where you get so into what you're doing that time flies by.

That first day, I got a ton of work done. It could've been a fluke, but then it happened again the next day. Again, I took 2 capsules of Mind Lab Pro and found myself getting lost in my work. For the entire 2 weeks that I was taking MLP, I definitely experienced an increase in productivity.

Though I didn't notice it at first, after a few days, my mood seemed a little brighter. I always get a touch of seasonal depression every winter. After taking Mind Lab Pro for a few days, I definitely felt a little better. I had more energy and motivation and it lasted throughout the entire 2 week trial.

The last two days that I took Mind Lab Pro (days 13 & 14), I tried increasing the dosage to see if I'd experience any additional benefits. While I generally don't recommend going any higher than the manufacturer's recommendation, sometimes I like to experiment on myself. I've written extensively about the ingredients in MLP and knew that it would be safe for me to increase the dosage.

Mind Lab Pro Review 4

On day 13, I took 3 capsules instead of 2. I honestly can't say that I noticed any additional benefits. It's important to note that I didn't experience any additional side effects, either. On day 14, though, I took 4 capsules and did notice a few things.

First of all, I felt a lot more relaxed. I attribute this mostly to l-theanine, but bacopa and some of the other ingredients may have also played a role. Second, I felt more focused and productive. I got more work done on day 14 than I did on any other single day of my Mind Lab Pro trial.

Overall, I really liked this product. It's been around longer than most of the others and seems to be what several newer products are trying to copy. Multiple products have come on the market in the past year that have very-similar formulas to MLP. I'm not surprised. This formula works.


All things considered, Mind Lab Pro is a good nootropic product. Its ingredients are all backed by science and their dosages are within the established ranges. And it definitely gave me a boost in productivity and even improved my mood. I only have one criticism of this product: the price.

While Mind Lab Pro isn't insanely expensive, it is one of the higher-priced nootropic products on the market. That being said, if you're willing to pay a little more, it's worth the extra money. MLP has been on the market longer than most other comparable products and its purity has been independently verified.

Mind Lab Pro is available from the company's website. They offer one, two, and three-month supplies. When you order a three-month supply (3 bottles), you get a free bottle.

You can check out our other reviews here: Nootropic Reviews.

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